SJF - Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - March 1, 2024

SJF - Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - March 1, 2024
Photo by Ben White / Unsplash

What does it mean that we are spiritual beings with a soul living in a body?

Faith in Jesus and the indwelling of Holy Spirit has flooded our once darkened being with light. The blood that Jesus shed gave us a powerful covenant with The Godhead. As spiritual beings flooded with light, we have access with favor to the throne of God. We are seated with Christ Jesus in the heavenly places at God’s right hand. In the spirit, we have unity with Christ Jesus and thus with Father God. Being “born again”, we are new creatures in Christ Jesus. Now we are sons and daughters of God and are made partakers of His divine nature. We are like Him in spirit and we CAN be like Him in our soul and body. We SHALL be like Him in spirit, soul and body. As the “SHALL” is a certainty, the CAN is a possibility NOW.

The real eternal you is spirit and light and love and life like your FATHER in HEAVEN. The more you live from the spirit, the more you will imitate Him as dearly beloved children. You have a soul. The soul is still very familiar with worldly things and must be trained in the heavenly, or spiritual, things (renewing the mind, will and emotions and bringing every thought captive to Christ). The body may still be accustomed to having its cravings fed. As you renew the mind and submit the body to yourself (the spiritual you), they will begin to take on the spiritual, mental and physical nature of Christ.